This morning, the Bordeaux-based French pop band Pendentif has prepared you a musical cocktail to be enjoyed without reserve…
Lifeblood pop
Lifeblood is a new pop music wave which is blasting France. Bridging charming English pop and the language of Molière, Pendentif is definitaly a strong piece of this new genra. Their compositions are full of intelligence, freshness and charm. They both combine contemporary pop malice and the tradition of great French classics.
#Their morning selection
Blood Orange - You’re Not Good Enough
Pendentif: ” This song is literally meant to be listened when you get out of the shower, right before joining your buddies on a countryside Sunday barbecue. ”
##Matthewdavid - In My World Pendentif: ” This track is perfect to wake up on a hangovered Sunday morning when you went to bed at 6am. No matter where you are, in your garden, under the sun or with a cup of coffee, you won’t be able to distinguish whether it’s your brain that still spin or if it’s the song. ”
##Rhye - 3 Days Pendentif: ” We selected this specific track, but this is the entire album that you should listen. Awesome for a chill Sunday with your sweetheart. ”
That’s all folks! A big thank to Pendentif for their selection. Thanks for listening and enjoy your sunday !