Tom Day

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Humans behind episode #246 👩👨

Curator: Olivier Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

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Today, we have the pleasure to welcome the Australian producer Tom Day with a sweet selection of tracks. Based in Melbourne, Tom has been creating ambient and electronic music since 2005. Inspired by the seasons, ocean beaches and the natural openness of his vast, native Australian landscapes, his work is made of piano melodies, elegant beats and an array of personnally-collected field recordings.

This morning, his selection of tracks is full of poetry, emotion and sonic landscapes. So relax, feel the wide spaces offered by the selection and enjoy a regenerating and meditative break, cleaning up the stress of the past week.

Tom Day’s selection

  • Luke Howard - Port

Tom Day: I discovered Luke after the release of his “Sun, Cloud” album. He is an all-time favourite pianist of mine and one of Melbourne’s best exports. His music regularly finds a place in my relaxed Sunday playlist.

  • Grey Reverend - My Hands

Tom Day: I was lucky enough to catch a Cinematic Orchestra concert while they were here in Oz. Grey Reverend featured on a live rendition of “To Build A Home” and within an hour of finishing the concert, I had purchased his album. The whole album is amazing but this track is a particular favourite of mine.

  • Eluvium - Regenerative Being

Tom Day: Eluvium is a relatively new discovery for me. I really love his use of textures and layering in this album. The aria/opera sampling is the icing on the cake and works really well with the progression of the song. Love it!”

Mailtape’s selection

  • Tom Day - Descending

Olivier: This track is one of the latest solo works of Tom Day. I really appreciate the tension and mood given by the piano loop, supported by this beautiful string arrangement. For more than 4 minutes, we are just waiting for the track to take off with a classical IDM snare apparition and then, it’s simply a subtle pattern of cymbals that comes up to help us see the light. Exquisite…

  • Sisyphus - Take me

Olivier: No risk here… Sisyphus is a collaborative project between Serengeti, Sufjan Stevens and Son Lux. A dreamy song made of a beautiful synth pad, an epic beat and the sweet voice of Sufjan Stevens.

  • Olafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm - 00:26 (Ryan Davis Rethink)

Olivier: The mood becomes a bit more “dark” with this song but I love the energy on it. The perfect way to give this morning selection a kind of reboot after mainly contemplative tracks.

  • Geotic - Actually Smiling

Olivier: The last work of Geotic (also known as Baths), published on Ghostly International. A lovely bit of positive energy to close this episode in a good and refreshing mood.

That’s all folks! Thanks to Tom Day for his participation and Camille Célestin for the illustration. Have a beautiful Sunday, made of peace, bliss and love.

Humans behind episode #246 🤗

Curator: Olivier Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape