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Humans behind episode #255 👩👨

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: PS KY Illustrator: William Girault

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning, we are psyched to have MNDSGN as our guest. Ringgo Ancheta’s music is a tip-over from hip hop to psychedelic vibes making today’s MailTape a ride on the highway of recreation.

Mind design…

As a conscious being often too aware of the subtle activities of the brain, getting bad news can be a brain challenge.

But, when your friend presents you with a guest as divine as MNDSGN or ‘mind design’, you can’t help but to perceive this as a sign. MNDSGN will gently rewire your brain cells for utopia.

Leaving no one astray, his music will release all natural brain chemicals and induce you in a state of dust and nirvana. This should be technically illegal, as I have just hit the repeat button unconsciously about ten times. Aimlessly trying to get to where I am to where I am going, without a final destination. Did I just go somewhere ?

Doesn’t seem so, as I am bluffed by the silence of the I that forgets it all and just continues. And if certain shadows linger in your presence this morning, the rest of this MailTape, will give you a burst of lyrics infused with honesty and pulsating rhythms whispering ; just come to me now, as the ascension is mieux que tout.

MNDSGN’s Selection

Peter Collins - Happily by Brikliam Jehreeus (acoustic version)

MNDSGN: This is a cover of a cover of a song originally by brik.liam called Happily. This one’s been in rotation & is definitely on a sunday morning tip. It’s crazy how different it sounds from the OG. Been a fan of this guys stuff lately. Shoutout to my dude Kiefer for putting me on. Most of the stuff on this guys soundcloud are raw voice memos. Crazy vocal control…

Kiefer - Tubesocks

MNDSGN: Speakin of Kiefer, I decided to include a track of his called tubesocks. Not only do I wear tubesocks pretty often, I also heavily dig the piano arrangement on this tune. Imagine the clouds opening up to reveal the heavens. Greatjob Kiefer.

Maryn E. Coote - One Who Cares

MNDSGN: This downtempo 80s cut sounds like it must’ve been a demo. The way its recorded/mixed is super raw. This is such a good one to let play all the way out. Lovely arrangements/songwriting. Not sure if it was ever properly released. Actually none of these three songs are properly released. Haha. Cheers.

MailTape’s Selection

MNDSGN - Ya Own Way

ImaCrea: Like an antidote against bad vibes, this track has truly helped me survive the seasonial depression which comes with Winter. Many days in December started with this track in my ears, as I was taking the train in direction of work. By recalibrating my dreamy and vaporous morning thoughts into willingness to keep fighting for better, it gave me much confidence in these times. Inviting MNDSGN this morning to MailTape is a great honor and I’m sincerely very happy to share his inspirational vibes with you.

Kevin Morby - Come To Me Now

ImaCrea: Now you’ve vizualised your own way, you might find yourself a bit lost on how to walk in that direction or where to start. Let’s ease that feeling with a track which, I believe, translate well this mix of melancoly and hope we’ve all been through. A feeling very close to our own soul pulsation, when one let go and the world around suddenly unveils its natural beauty.

Paradis - Mieux Que Tout

ImaCrea: Paradis is clearly one of the most ambitious indie project I’ve came through in the last year. I’ve been through very different phase when listening to their music but never been unmoved and the more I listen to their album the more it feeds my inspiration.

I’m not getting bored of them, quiet the contrary actually. This track is a relatively hidden one from their album, no video clip and a shy popularity on streaming services and still… so powerful when one gives it the attention it deserves. Just let yourself go with the lyrics. It says it all. By the way, if you want to go further with Paradis, check their MailTape ;)

Studio OST - Ascension

ImaCrea: Repetition and structure. This track reminds me of Berlin and its concrete architecture. Deep roots, solid body, ready to express itself without boundaries. Time to dance.

That’s it for today! Thanks to MNDSGN for his participation, it’s been a great honor to collaborate with him. Have an inspiring Sunday!

Humans behind episode #255 🤗

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: PS KY Illustrator: William Girault

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

Make a donation 🙌

I ❤️ MailTape