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Humans behind episode #310 👩👨

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: Daisy Illustrator: William Girault

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning, it’s been a while since we last spoke, but I knew the universe would always bring us back together. I’m still up for being your sonic companion if you are too, and I’m aching for adventure. Labelle, a sonic dreamer from the island of La Réunion, will join us, if that’s alright?

Labelle has been on his own sublime voyage, of which we can only hear the whispers that have crept across the night sky. These tendrils are reaching out to us from somewhere several worlds away, resonating with the echo of a pendulum swinging to a different measure of time. But even in spaces we cannot see and places we cannot imagine, the constellations that we look out onto are the same, ready to guide us across uncertain geographies.

The invitation remains open for you to join us, even just as far as Labelle’s debut album, Univers-île, released by our friends at Infiné Records.

If you are in Paris and free on May the 24th go see him live, he’s having a release party at Hasard Ludique.

Labelle’s selection

Umeko Ando - クーリムセ

Labelle: Un titre de toute beauté d’Umeko Ando, la chanteuse Ainu (ou Aïnou) (population d’Hokkaido, l’île du nord du Japon). J’aime la culture Ainu, comme beaucoup de cultures chamaniques qui ont une perception animiste. Perception qui fait écho à mon ressenti du monde.

クーリムセ est un de mes deux morceaux préférés d’Umeko. Les tonkori qui l’accompagnent sont magnifiques, mélodieux et rythmiques. C’est un très beau titre à écouter aux premières lueurs.

Alice Coltrane - Om Rama

Labelle: Une claque, un titre incroyable, c’est Hlasko de Johannesburg avec qui j’ai collaboré pour notre duo Kaang qui m’a fait découvrir cette période d’Alice Coltrane. Infinte Chants fait partie des albums d’Alice Coltrane enregistrés sous son nom Turiyasangitananda dans son Ashram en Californie, le Vedantic Center.

« Om Rama » est un des titres les plus intrigants avec ce passage central comme une apparition d’un moment divin où l’on entend les fidèles chanter un mantra dans le style gospel !!

C’est de la musique indienne rituelle avec les instruments habituel (tambours et clochette), mais chanté en gospel avec les tambourins. C’est un très beau bel exemple de syncrétisme musical. C’est intemporel et créole.

Hallucinator - Red Angel

Labelle: La première fois que je suis allé à Berlin et par la même occasion au Hardwax, c’était un hiver (2007 ou 2008) je voulais acheter des disques de Basic Channel et de Chain Reaction. Je suis tombé sur ce vinyle d’Hallucinator que je ne connaissais pas.

Red Angel m’a habité tout cet hiver. J’ai compris la profondeur de la « dub techno » berlinoise, de toute sa richesse dans l’expression musicale et le jeu des textures sonore chantant, à ce moment même dans cet espace-temps d’un hiver berlinois.

Je suis un grand fan de ce courant musical, il a synthétisé un nouveau croisement musical avec le dub et la techno. Je garderais toujours le souvenir d’avoir écouté Red Angel chaque matin au réveil durant ce séjour.

MailTape’s selection

Labelle - Kou d’zèl (feat. Zanmari Baré)

ImaCrea: Each Labelle’s track develops a deep universe. To me, his album’s narrative structure which is written as a poetic and spiritual introspective story turns it into a meditative experience to be listened under the stars in the Nature. For that reason and to not spoil anything, I chose the hypnotic first track as an introduction to his work. Let yourself be guided by the shaman…

Basa Basa - Black Light

ImaCrea: I can almost feel on my skin sunrays from Ghana’s 80’s. A rare gem re-edited recently by a newly founded record label from Amsterdam called Vintage Voudou.

Oldtoy - Elastic Colors

ImaCrea: The talented Oldtoys returns with a kaleidoscopic track. I can feel the sound of maturity and hundreds of hours of work behind this track created by a demanding musician. An artist whose sole goal is to touch the soul of his listeners.

Oh, and if you are in Paris and free on the 26th, something’s telling me there will be a chance to discover him live… More info soon! <3

The Caretaker - It’s Just a Burning Memory

ImaCrea: XXI’s century is complex and as if it wasn’t enough… here comes Caretaker’s music. Joke appart, this track is somehow cryptic and a concrete experience of how music can affect us in weird ways sometimes.

Feel nostalgic of souvenirs you never lived. Another way of exploring what our soul has to offer for who’s open to it.

That’s all for this morning. Thanks for listening and much love and gratitude to Labelle for being our guest today, and to William for this episode’s noice illustration!

Humans behind episode #310 🤗

Curator: ImaCrea Writer: Daisy Illustrator: William Girault

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

Make a donation 🙌

I ❤️ MailTape