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Humans behind episode #484 👩👨

Curator: Anaïs G Writer: Anaïs G Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape

This morning, We want more optimism and hope in this sometimes dark world. Imagine a world without pandemics, without war. A world where everyone is equal and free of rights… While waiting for this world to be possible one day, we make the most of every moment and especially put Tite’s music to the heart of his apartment or house to explore our ability to make him forget the space of a moment.

Who’s hiding behind Titus? Guitarist of the group Poni Hoax and member of the electronic duo Society of Silence, Nicolas Villebrun is known solo as Tite. A raw, spontaneous music, Tite takes us into his techno world through his LP “Snare Roll” in 2015 or the incredible title “Zhang” in 2018, released under the label Fragil Musique and its magnificent video created by Eva Motreff and Theo Sixou.

Tite’s selection

Don Cherry - Luna Turca

Tite: Perfect by it’s simplicity and Joy this song is also so naive that it’s kind of magic. Pure soul energy it’s a time for meditation and chanting. Contemplation Warm feeling like a wood fire camp.

Yellow Magic Orchestra - Rydeen

Tite: A friend of mine sent me a playlist of Ryuchi Sakamoto’s music. I was with my daughter she instantly jumped around it was a magical moment because it’s yellow and because it’s an orchestra. Perfect for the sport performance running around the house.

Maître Gazonga - Les Jaloux Saboteurs

Tite: What makes you happy in life? It’s a sunday morning question. It’s also the N’djamena blues. You can not be happier than being in N’djamena. That’s why i’m gong there next week to meet wonderful musician.

MailTape’s selection

Tite - Caché

Anaïs G: Tite surprises us again with a title worthy of the 80s with synthesizers and electronic machines. “Caché” is a mix of powerful industrial music, illuminated, mesmerizing and sexy at the same time. This song can be found on the new compilation of the label Tsunami Recording.

Zoé Couppé - Troisième Jour de Voyage

Anaïs G: A discovery, freshness and lightness. A diary in music, which makes you want to listen to the perepities of Zoé Couppé to the sounds of the machines used. A surprising song that can be found on the “Premier Rayon” Compilation of the Soleil Rouge!

Low Lov - Unknown Summer

Anaïs G: Both transdisciplinary artist and musician, Low Lov embraces us in an intimate and cozy atmosphere, we are quickly swept away by her voice and this slow and jerky music tinged with a certain blackness.

Reminiscentia - Synergy

Anaïs G: As Praktika did through a playist from MondElectronique for Sourdoreille, who highlights Urkainian artists, I also wanted to give voice to her artists. The choice was difficult, but I was transcended by the music of the band Reminiscentia. Their song “Synergy” took me back to the 80s, with the synth that reminds us of the band New Order. Other artists include: dakhabrakha, Alina Pash, Стасік, Tim Jackiw, Voin Oruwu, VovaZiLvova & Zbaraski, Bliad, Gogol Bordello, Stanislav Tolkachev, Recid, Vakula & Nevertii (feat Olena), Koloah, Closer, NECHTO Records..

That’s all for this morning! Our thanks to Tite for this selection. Many thanks to Camille Célestin for this episode’s wonderful illustration!

Humans behind episode #484 🤗

Curator: Anaïs G Writer: Anaïs G Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

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I ❤️ MailTape