This morning, we are delighted to welcome Nantes-based group The Balek Band. Their very first album, “Médecines”, was freshly released last Friday, and they can’t wait to share their musical universe with us!
Long time no see, dear music explorers! For the first episode of June, as we begin to feel summer pointing the tip of its nose, I am very happy and excited to welcome one of the most lively and stirring of my recent musical discoveries for, certainly, the catchiest MailTape episode I’ve ever made.
Say no more, let’s enjoy the band’s Sunday selection, just as crazy as their Zouk-Balearic-Italo Disco-Pop- Electronic-post Funk-Caribbean-(I could go on for a long time)-influenced music!
The Balek Band’s selection
Marvin Gaye - What’s Going On (Rhythm ‘N’ Strings Mix)
The Balek Band: ” Morceau parfait pour un réveil en douceur, peut être après une fête qui laisse de doux souvenirs, ou aux côtés de l’être aimé… oooh what a groove…
Perfect track for a gentle awakening, maybe after a party that leaves sweet memories, or alongside a loved one… oooh what a groove… “
Patrick Jahn - Abenteuer überm Schrank
The Balek Band: ” Ca y est on s’est étirés dans le lit, on pause les pieds au sol, la batterie démarre, la ligne de bass rentre, on bouge la tête doucement. Petite touche de mélancolie pour ce morceau tout de groove vétu. L’été est là, lunette de soleil sur le nez, démarche lente et assurée, voilà, la journée est lancée !
That’s it, we stretched in bed, we put our feet on the ground, the drums start, the bass line comes in, we move our heads slowly. Little touch of melancholy for this track all groovy. Summer is here, sunglasses on your nose, slow and assured gait, voila, the day has begun! “
Jules-Henry Malaki - Tes Idées
The Balek Band: ” Zouk synthétique engagé, une belle leçon d’esprit et de rythmes chaloupés. A garder en tête pour ensoleiller le reste de la journée et avoir les idées fraiches. Big up à Secousse Records pour cette réédition.
Intense and synthetic zouk track, a beautiful lesson in spirit and swaying rhythms. Something to keep in mind to brighten up the rest of the day and have fresh ideas. Big up to Secousse Records for this reissue. “
MailTape’s selection
The Balek Band - Balek Zouk
Jules: ” It’s hard to pick only one track from their new LP Médecines. The album barely came out last Friday and it’s already playing in repeat in my ears. Let’s continue our momentum with this excellent track for strolling in the sun, something that integrates well the spirit of the group and its madness (but the complete album is a gem!) “
Diogo Strausz - Deixa a Gira Girar
Jules: ” Ok, this time it looks like the sun hit us too hard. We feel our head spinning and our light body soaring towards the clouds with this track taken from Diogo Strausz’s latest album, released on Goutte d’Or records, a label affiliated with Cracki Records, which bears the name of a nearby Parisian district. But right now, I don’t know if I’m floating in the sky above Rio or Barbès “
Paula Tape - Body Nature
Jules: ” The sun is close to setting, it’s time to land, to go lie down for a while in the grass in the shade of the trees. This track from Chilean musician Paula Tape’s latest album “Astroturismo” sounds to me like a call for a gentle and enthusiastic reconnection to nature, something we desperately need right now. “
Wau Wau Collectif - Salamaleikoum
Jules: ” This time the day is coming to an end. I never feel more peaceful than when I listen to this track by Wau Wau Collectif. We come to feel the comfortable air one last time before going home, and we take the opportunity to observe the stars (if you are lucky enough to avoid the light pollution of cities) and tell ourselves that we are very small in the Universe. ”
That’s it for this morning! As always, thank you so much for joining us. Much love to The Balek Band for their crazy Sunday selections, and many thanks to Thibault Daumain for this episode’s stunning illustration!