This morning our dream tapestries cross into the sunlight, letting us revel in the shining contours of these threads and tangles. In these gentle morning hours, the druids Walter Astral are our guides, weaving this textured trance journey through sound. Based in Paris, the group joins us following the release of their odyssey-like album, Éclipse. With releases offering both meditation and dance, the duo moves swiftly from folk to psychedelic rock to effervescent techno, with rich and unexpected marriages across genre and instruments.
Guest’s selection
Jacco Gardner - Descent
Walter Astral: ” Une plongée dans une forêt magique, habitée par les fées, les korrigans, tout y est mystérieux et paisible. Une ballade qui mélange les sonorités seventies et des mélodies qui pourraient être tirées d’un jeux vidéo rétro. Parfait pour arroser ses plantes, accompagner le café du matin ou la sieste.
A dive into a magical forest, inhabited by fairies, korrigans, all of this is mysterious and peaceful. A ballad that mixes the sounds of the seventies and melodies that could have been taken from a retro video game. Perfect for watering your plants, alongside a morning coffee or a nap. “
Bruno Pernadas - Ya ya Breathe
Walter Astral: ” Ya ya Breathe est la roulotte dans laquelle Bruno Pernadas nous conduit a travers les sillons de son cerveau. A l’image de son album “those who throw objects at the crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them” ce titre dessine les contours d’une vie parallèle que nous pouvons decider de mener, guidés par de belles amitiés, un contact privilégié avec la nature et de la poésie. C’est un voyage dont nous sommes les héro.ine.s et dans lequel seules la musique et les émotions ont de l’importance.
Ya ya Breathe is the caravan that Bruno Pernadas drives us through the furrows of his brain. Like his album, “those who throw objects at the crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them,” this track draws the contours of a parallel life we can choose to lead, guided by beautiful friendships, a privileged contact with nature and poetry. It’s a journey in which we are the heroes and in which only music and emotions have importance. “
Roland Cristal - Philippe Etchebest
Walter Astral: ” Roland Cristal, fin techno-conteur Aveyronnais, raconte une histoire traumatique suite à la confection d’un sandwich à l’écorce et les réprimandes de Philippe Etchebest. Fort de cette expérience, Roland en ressort grandi et nous offre un morceau-offrande, fort de kick et de mélodie poussant à la gigue.
Roland Cristal, a fine techno-storyteller of Aveyron, tells a traumatic story following the making of a bark sandwich and the reprimands of Philippe Etchebest. Strengthened from this experience, Roland emerges transformed and presents us a token offering, full of kick and pulsing melody for a jig. “
Curator’s selection
Walter Astral - Nadir
Sarah: ” From Walter Astral’s latest album, Éclipse :) The momentum in this track is mesmerizing, drawing us into the surging hum of this bassline. We traverse across these quivering synths to new resonances and rhythms, with glorious and glistening whispers from the druids brushing beside our ears all along :) “
Dm (Mx), Unders - Nature (Unders Dub)
Sarah: ” These rhythms are delightfully disorienting, connecting us at once to our own heartbeats, but then to the flutter of insect wings, and of course, to these singing stretches of techno trance. Brought into the forest, we lean into these sounds of birds, snakes, and breezes exhaling through tree leaves; making up our own momentum through these green shimmers of sound. “
Sophia Chablau e Felipe Vaqueiro - OHAYO SARAVÁ
Sarah: ” We’ve been following Sophia Chablau’s releases for quite some time, and this track arrives from the collaborative EP with Felipe Vaqueiro (Tangolo Mangos). Marcelo Cabral’s bassline on this track cannot be beat, dancing on spiking velvet feet alongside Biel Basile’s soft drum hit spirals. The two weave effortlessly in and out of these guitars, finding their ways across the silky organs and weightless synths. “
Walter Astral - Aube
Sarah: ” The final song of our morning is the first track on the group’s latest album. On first listen, it felt as though any amount of time could have passed, that were many songs and many worlds contained in this one number. Opening its jaws to orchestral breaks and banjo takeovers in one moment, the track dissolves into techno synths the next, with so much effort as a breath. In these silky swells and swoops, Aube gifts us with an epic in its own right, a generous first introduction to the group’s debut album :) ”
That’s all for this morning, thank you very much for listening ! A million thanks to our dear guest Walter Astral for these thoughtful and ethereal selections and to our wonderful illustrator Camille Lemeunier for this episode’s brilliant and textured artwork :) Until next Sunday…