Loraine James

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  • iLU – It's DOPE!!

  • Yuki Ame – Water From Thoughts

  • SASSY 009 – Are you Leaving?

  • Loraine James – Loll (ft. Zarif Miah)

  • Ouri – Superficial

  • Kilamanzego – stay floated in the tribe.

  • Secret Mommy – Clothing Racks (Sears)


Humans behind episode #323 👩👨

Curator: Sanjay Mistry Writer: Sanjay Mistry Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

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I ❤️ MailTape

This week we are delighted to welcome London-based electronic musician Loraine James, who selects some groovy Sunday morning chops for us.

Influenced by artists such as Aoki Takamasa, Telefon Tel Aviv and Circa Survive, Loraine crafts organic textures through inorganic means. In her own words, she's making music that is 'sometimes glitch, sometimes ambient—and sometimes in-between electronic music'. Her debut 2017 album, [Detail](https://lorainejames.bandcamp.com/album/detail), is also out now.

Loraine James’s selection

iLU – It’s DOPE!!!

Loraine James: I found this song on Progressive Form’s Soundcloud, and it’s just a nice song with soft vocals that I really like, because I’m so used to hearing them manipulated in some way in this kind of music, haha.

Yuki Ame – Water From Thoughts

Loraine James: My mate sent me this song because they recently supported Shigeto and I knew it was going to be good because he’s got a great taste in music. I love the vocal chops with the video game sounding synths, that make it seem playful. I love vocal chops so it was a win for me!

SASSY 009 – Are You Leaving?

Loraine James: I found this group from my ‘discover weekly’ on Spotify and instantly had their EP on repeat since. If you’re a fan of Smerz, you’ll love Sassy009.

MailTape’s selection

Loraine James – Loll (ft. Zarif Miah)

Sanjay: I came across Loraine’s music when she was performing alongside a friend of mine, Mora, at London’s Splice festival back in May this year. Loraine was providing the beats and Mora the visuals. I love the attention-to-detail on silence with this track, as well as the ethereal and soothing vocals.

Ouri – Superficial

Sanjay: Released on Make It Rain Records (a sub-label of Montréal-based Bonsound), Ouri’s debut album is more atmospheric than her previous EP, ‘Mazes’. This title track feels just right for this Sunday morning: lots of shifting surface textures, elliptical structures and vocals all sitting comfortably deep in the mix.

Kilamanzego – stay floated in the tribe.

Sanjay: I was first introduced to Kilamanzego’s music when previous MailTape guest, Moor Mother, selected one of her tracks. I’ve been following her musical output ever since. I think she has created a brilliant catalogue of entrancing beats and mini-séances alongside many others in the Philadelphia-based smth savant collective.

Secret Mommy – Clothing Racks (Sears)

Sanjay: Originally commissioned as a live performance, and then as a formal studio album in 2011, ‘The Mall’ is the work of Vancouver electro-acoustic artist, Secret Mommy. The album is an intensive remix, music sublimated from the raw material of the living world. But in this case, the world under Secret Mommy’s microscope isn’t the dentist’s chair, it’s a sprawling, populous space: our culture’s great cathedral, the (shopping) mall.

That’s it for this morning. As always, thanks for listening and much love and gratitude to Loraine James, and to Camille Célestin for this episode’s cool illustration!

Humans behind episode #323 🤗

Curator: Sanjay Mistry Writer: Sanjay Mistry Illustrator: Camille Célestin

Fresh music selected without compromises, since 2011 💎

MailTape is a nonprofit art collective run by volunteers united by their love for music. We are committed to offering an experience that respects you: ethical design, 100% human curation, no ads, no external trackers.

We are volunteers ✊

Your donation helps keeping Mailtape alive and improving it.

Make a donation 🙌

I ❤️ MailTape